When To Plant Caladium Bulbs In Louisiana

Hardiness zones 9 10 march 15.
When to plant caladium bulbs in louisiana. But when to plant caladium bulbs varies depending on where you live. The list above is a general guideline for planting caladiums. Once growing caladiums are planted mulch the bed with 2 inches of your. Enhance sidewalks and driveways with a splash of reds pinks or whites.
Cool weather will significantly delay germination. Caladium germination rates can range widely from as little as 2 weeks to over 12 weeks. Hardiness zone 7 may 1. Do a search using the words caladium bulbs for sale.
Caladiums add color and beauty to all of your creative planting beds and gardens. Caladiums are also available from mail order nurseries on the internet. Cold is not as likely to kill the tubers as wet soil. See the recommended planting date for your area on the map to the left.
Peat moss compost ground bark or decomposed manure all work well and. Caladiums are tropical tubers and must be warm to flourish. Caladium bulbs are safely planted outdoors when night time temperature are staying consistently above 65 degrees. Let me know if you have any questions.
April is a great time to plant them. Hardiness zone 6 june 1. Outdoor beds find a location where the soil drains well. As a general rule caladiums grown in the sun show more color than they would in the shade.
Click here for information on growing caladiums in louisiana. It is critical to wait to plant your caladiums until your soil temperature is at or above 70 degrees fahrenheit. Planting caladiums is very easy. Or amend the soil with the addition of organic material to raise the level 2 3 to improve the drainage.
When should i plant my bulbs. Bulbs should be planted in the landscape in the spring after the last frost. When to plant caladium bulbs. How to plant caladium bulbs.
The list below outlines the proper time for planting caladiums based on usda hardiness zones. Plant them 8 to 12 inches apart into well prepared beds and they will grow larger and more beautiful through the summer. Hardiness zones 3 4 5 june 15. Caladiums enjoy abundant moisture when they are growing but they prefer to be dryer when dormant.
Plantings in north louisiana run more of a risk than those planted in the southern portion of the state. Hardiness zone 8 april 15. The plant will grow even if the tuber is planted sideways or anyways for that matter. The caladium bulb is typically planted before spring with its smooth bottom side down and a crooked growing points top side up.
A bed that is not well drained and tends to stay wet over winter may cause the tubers to rot. If there are still water puddles 5 6 hours after a hard rain scout out another site. Watering caladiums early in the am or late in the pm helps eliminate sun burn.