Can I Plant Caladium Bulbs In July

If the soil is sandy mix in some peat moss to improve moisture retention.
Can i plant caladium bulbs in july. Select a location in shade or part sun with a good rich moist organic soil. The eight most popular types of late flowering bulbs that can be planted in july are caladiums cannas dahlias daylilies gladiolus lilies rhizomatous iris and tuberous begonias. Plant them 2 3 deep and keep the spike if any showing a. Adding some organic matter or blood and bone fertiliser along with the caladium bulb is a good idea.
They thrive in sun as long as you choose a sun tolerant variety or shade high humidity or low. If you live in zones 8 or less you will need to spend some time around the time of first frost digging caladiums up and store them for the winter. Plant the bulbs in a deep enough hole so that the bulbs are covered with 2 of soil. We ship you caladium bulbs and elephant ear bulbs direct from the farm in lake placid florida the caladium capitol of the world.
Plant right side up. Give a decent amount of spacing about 8. Plant caladium bulbs outside after all danger of frost has passed and daytime temperatures remain above 70 degrees. How to plant caladium bulbs.
Water the bulb in. Given a good rich and moisture retentive soil these exotic tender plants provide a dashing display. Planting caladiums is very easy. Plant the top of the bulb 1 1 2 to 2 inches below the surface with the eyes up.
Mulch around the planting and keep moist throughout the season. A good thing about caladiums is that they are quick to come up so you can plant them at any point of time during summers and the leaves will show up in a few days. Caladiums grow well in all parts of texas. If you are in usda hardiness zones 9 or higher you can leave your caladium bulbs in the ground year round as they can survive the winters in these areas once established.
You can mulch the area around the bulb to retain moisture in the soil and prevent weed growth. Caladiums are tropical plants and cannot tolerate any frost and only emerge when the soil is warm. These lush plants produce striking heart shaped leaves which form a colourful covering for an area under tree or within the shelter of a shrubbery. Though they will grow no matter which way you orient them planting with the top side up will provide you with the shortest sprouting time and the happiest plant.
Jazz up a shady corner with the richly coloured foliage of fancy leaf caladiums. Your bulbs should be planted. In addition to these popular flowers different areas have different types of flowers that thrive there. We recently have decided to make our products available to the public directly from the farm.
Caladium bulbs have a rather smooth bottom side and knobby these are actually the eyes or growing points top side. We have been growing quality caladiums on our farm for over 30 years.