Caladium Plants Melbourne

Artificial plants sydney has been launched on a foundation of more than 40 years experience in the interior landscaping industry.
Caladium plants melbourne. In north and central florida plant caladium tubers in the ground between april and september. Caladiums are tuberous rooted tropical plants that thrive in warm climates. Foliage may die back during the cooler months when plants become dormant. For outdoor planting don t put caladium in a spot that puddles after rain.
About caladiums any garden with a shady location has a perfect spot for caladiums. These tropical tubers most of them varieties derived from caladium bicolor are grown for their dramatic summer foliage they are naturals in beds with ferns or coleus in. The leaves provide a striking contrast with the green foliage of other plants especially when planted in. Caladiums are tropical plants grown for their beautiful foliage.
Plant caladium tubers in soil that is at least 60 70 f. Caladiums love humidity for indoor plants regular water and a daily spritz on the foliage will keep them happy. When planting tubers place them eye side up the puckered knobby side. Alocasia such as elephant ear was a very.
You can plant them under a tree and they will do well. Difficult to source caladium lindenii in stock. Leaves become large and thick as plant matures easy care keep in a warm bright spot indoors keep substrate moist allowing to dry out slightly between waterings many plants listed combined express post to non quarantine states available via aus post. In south florida tubers can be planted between march and september.
Remove spent leaves and place plants in a dry dark room water only every 4 6 weeks and wait for it to burst to life again as spring arrives. Some caladium varieties can tolerate sun but moonlight loves the shade. Caladiums are tropical plants growing from tubers most known for their colorful foliage and used as a houseplant or summer bedding plant. 03 9752 1700 17 mccarthy rd monbulk vic 3793 australia specialising in propagation and production of over 900 species varieties of ornamental plants perennials rare plants.
The heart shaped leaves are beautifully coloured and patterned and may vary from 15 to 60 cm in length. Plants in the calatheas species were also popular but originate from tropical climates and can be temperamental growing in melbourne s cool climate. The foliage is a pointed arrow or lance shaped held up on long stalks that grow directly from the tuber and usually are somewhat crepe like in texture. Cooler soil will result in tuber rot and slow growth.
Be quick for these beautiful lush green long tapered leaves with variegated white veinage. Caladium plants are available for sale from the following wholesale nurseries. Although there are no flowers to speak of you may occasionally see a lily flower but the foliage always puts on a. Midday sun will scorch your caladiums so whether indoors or out look for a northern or eastern exposure and partial to full shade.