Caladium Plant Wikipedia

Caladium iku génus tuwuhan saka famili araceae tuwuhan iki sok dikenal kanthi jeneng umum kkuping gajah utawa elephant ear padha karo jeneng tuwuhan kang sajinis ya iku alocasia colocasia lan xanthosoma heart of jesus lan angel wings ana punjul 1000 jinis caladium bicolor tuwuhan kang asliné saka amérika kidul.
Caladium plant wikipedia. Adalah tumbuhan berubi rizom. Caladium albopunctatissimum jacob makoy ex h karst. Caladium is a genus of plants of the family araceae. Caladium bicolor ait vent.
Hundreds of cultivars are available. Tunas daun baru terbentuk pada pangkal daun lama. The plant has rhizomes of different shapes and sizes. From wikipedia the free encyclopedia caladium bicolor called heart of jesus is a species in the genus caladium from latin america.
The genus caladium includes seven species which are indigenous to brazil and to neighboring areas of south america and central america. It is grown as a houseplant for its large heart or lance shaped leaves with striking green white pink and red blotching. They are dark green above and light green beneath. Leaves are up to 40 cm 24 8 cm 15 3 4 in 9 3 4 in and sprout from the rhizome.
This is what you get when you bring home the caladium bicolour plants from nurseries in tropical areas of australia. They produce calla type flowers that are normally hidden. The caladium bicolour plants belong to arum family that is known for their various bold variations and colourful combinations of the leaves. Bentuk daun seperti keladi minyak tetapi mempunyai berbagai variasi warna.
Arum pellucidum fulchir ex kunth arum bicolor aiton alocasia roezlii n e br. Space the holes 8 to 14 inches 20 3 to 35 6 cm apart with wider spacing for larger tubers. There are over 1000 named cultivars of caladium bicolor alone. Hitta fler artiklar om växter med.
If you have small potted caladiums dig holes twice as large as the root balls set the plants into the holes and pack the soil firmly around the stems. From wikipedia the free encyclopedia this page lists some of the many caladium cultivars. Genus caladium kalebu pitu spésies kang asli brazil lan tlatah. They are often known by the common name elephant ear which they share with the closely related genera alocasia colocasia and xanthosoma heart of jesus and angel wings.
They are often known by the common name elephant ear which they share with the closely related genera alocasia colocasia and xanthosoma. Batang keladi ini tak nyata tangkai bergabus tidak bercabang dan bercantum sempurna dengan daun.