Caladium Humboldtii Propagation

Suitable in 1 gallon suitable in 3 gallon or larger.
Caladium humboldtii propagation. Dzimtā rietumindijā gajānā un brazīlijā tā ir visizplatītākā suga lai gan patiesībā tipiskā suga vairs netiek kultivēta un tirgū atrastie augi tika iegūti to hibridizējot ar pārējām. Pp22 706 2012 goes dormant. A very nice ground cover to complement your garden. Zahrnuje 15 druhů bylinných trvalých listnatých a zimních odpočinek.
The species epithet humboldtii was named after alexander von humboldt 1769 1859 a german naturalist and explorer who documented plant species in latin america. How to propagate caladiums. Create lush border areas with the large tropical looking heart shaped leaves of caladium or use it as a tall ground cover under trees and in shrub beds. The genus caladium is believed to originate from the south american name for these plants kale or kaladi.
Zdá se že název pochází z malay kaladi. Propagate by dividing the tubers. Browse pictures and read growth cultivation information about caladium species dwarf caladium caladium humboldtii supplied by member gardeners in the plantfiles database at dave s garden. Other species worth mentioning are caladium humboldtii caladium lindenii and caladium schomburgkii.
It grows to a height of 20 cm leaves are heart shaped colored green with dominant white areas. It can grow anywhere and should be watered regularly. They have been successfully domesticated and selected thus marking the beginning of a wide range of cultivars with paperlike thin leaf blades variously shaped arrowhead like or spear shaped and coloured white red purple pink or mixed. Klasifikace původ a popis.
Tas sasniedz 25 40 cm augstumu un 30 cm diametru. It reaches the size of 25 40 cm in height and 30 cm in diameter.