Caladium Care Zone

Zones 3 4 july 15 late planting date guidelines late season bulbs usually sprout fast.
Caladium care zone. In cooler climates it helps to give them a headstart by potting them up a month or so before your last frost date so they will be up and growing when it is time to plant them outdoors. Caladium bulbs like warm moist not soggy soil. In zones 9 12 caladium tubers are hardy and will not need digging up to survive the winter. Zones 5 6 august 1.
Whether indoor or outdoor caladium plants are seasonal plants with foliage during summer and the rest in autumn and winter. Since caladiums are considered tender perennials they must be dug up in the fall and stored indoors over winter in cold climates. 3 weeks late plantings should be done no later than 7 weeks before first frost. Applying mulch around caladium plants will help to conserve and maintain moisture even in containers.
However they can be grown as annuals or overwintered as tender bulbs. But there are no hard and fast rules. Even in these areas though a heavy mulching of 3 inches 7 5 cm is the recommended winter care for caladiums to keep them from dying in the colder temperatures. Caladium sun or shade.
Caladiums are winter hardy to usda zone 9 meaning that they should be able to survive the winter outdoors. Caladiums are only perennial in usda hardiness zones 9 11. Zones 7 8 august 15. In usda zones 8 and lower winter care for caladium bulbs involves digging them up and bringing them inside to go dormant.
Officially caladiums are hardy to zone 9. Therefore caladium plants are only perennial in usda hardiness zones but they can be grown as annuals or overwintered. Winter care of caladium bulbs. As long as the ground does not freeze the tubers will overwinter and return to give you another great show next spring.
In a protected location with well drained soil and a few inches of mulch you may find they will overwinter. The caladium plant prefers indirect light or moderate shade indoors. Zone 9 10 september 1.